вторник, апреля 21, 2015

Water, wind, sun – which green energy wins online?

Hi ,

With the sun shining bright this month, I wanted to share our latest case study with you about different green energy sources and their performance online.

You will discover interesting facts on how the alternative energy industry has evolved over the last few years: rooftop solar panels now cost about 1 percent of what they cost 35 years ago! But you will also find practical insights for companies in every industry on how social listening can help you:

- Get an instant idea of how much a topic is resonating with the public
- Uncover customer feeling towards a specific product
- Find promising new locations for your business

I hope you'll enjoy reading the full case study which you can find here: http://talkwalker.us9.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=931a4509653091972473eea14&id=2360e7e106&e=4f0fd5c2bd

Have a nice day.

Thank you for your time,


Talkwalker | Customer Excellence

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