суббота, апреля 21, 2018

Capstone Project (Class Overview)

Welcome to the capstone project this is CSC for 90 the first class in the 2 semester capstone sequence my name to have it all and that will be teaching this class to the goals of this class are to do some real world development so basically what we're gonna do is I have some clients lined up.

We're gonna form team you gonna get assigned to a team of 4 or 5 students now each team then is going to go meet with the client thing and you're going to gather requirements you gotta figure out what platform they need and how you gonna solve the problem or implement does add up will be android iOS as web development whatever.

Are you gonna learn about the platform to a lot of programming there and and reading gonna design then you're AB develop it tested and implement the deployed go back to your Klein multiple times to figure out what they need and you know if what you did is correct and so forth so hopefully by the end which would be in April may you will have the apt that they want it.

So you will be working in a team of course that's the one of the big goals and and this class is to get everybody to work in teams.

Nowadays it is very rare that you develop software by ourselves so most software is developing teams are usually allowed larger on 4 or 5 but we're gonna start with 4 or 5.

I had to get your so you can make it easier for you to learn.

So you're gonna have to deal with managing your self managing your time managing your teammates task of time and figure out how to get people to do things you have to you have to figure out how to.

Solve complex in your team when there's a difference in this issue.

Different people have different opinions about what to do next conflict resolution so these are the thoughts of guilt soft skills union and be working on in this class.

For the team work yet we're also gonna be using some standard tools for team organization obviously source control we're gonna musing get in get hub and the protest manages task management will use get hub we might use you know depending on your team you might use some bug tracking or some other libraries or any cooperation tools you also in the south the skills department you will be dealing with a client.

This will be the first time for most of you.

So you're gonna this will be interesting you're all going to have to talk to people who are not computer people they won't know.

We don't know the difference between you know say a native app and a webapp and you're gonna have to either explained is or you know figure out ways to talk to them to get their requirements from them.

And I think time for these people are.

A lot of them are if the faculty in other departments of their experts in their particular domain will be sociology or chemistry or whatever and they're going to be speaking their own language and you will probably need to learn a little bit on you should learn a little bit about their world and what they're interested in especially as it relates to the app you're building.

So just so that you can communicate better.

The website has a bunch of the lectures that I want to do what's there on there that this U. R. L..

Right now we'll go over.

Here to show you this is a these are the lectures this is the class website is the U. R. L. is C. S. detail as to the EDU slash capstone so everything about this class is going to be on that you are al is is that if you click over here to lectures these are the lectures I will post.

The videos here and.

The slides and at the end of each one they'll be out resources for further reading so those will be either and new books are you know extra books are extra practices are a list of that you should.


So why still you definitely need to get those done in the first couple weeks of classes.

Then I want to for me me you will form when you form your team you will.

Have weekly meetings with your team.

In this weekly meeting.

Things I have the will have a whole other video where I talk about team work you then we watch in that but roughly.

Is that these are very important I want people to really try to meet a physically like face to face at least once a week.

So you know you should have an agenda figure out what you're gonna talk about just a couple lines email them before that or you know get adult to everybody before the meeting so nobody knows what what's gone up you discussed the approach that you doing you make some decisions about what we're gonna do for next week and then finally you assign tasks though a good strategy is at the end of the meeting everybody will say this is what I'm gonna do next week along the next week and and most importantly you add those issues to your get help or a waffle I or trial of that there's a very is boards out there.

Ways to keep track online keep track of issues.

Get help issues from the easiest to use because we're gonna be using it up.

But the other ones and I will do I go over.

There is a little bit more in detail and the team work.


Then most importantly every team will be meeting with me every other week and we'll set these obviously after the teams are set up.

During our meetings you and me in my office.

The team will give a little progress report on what they have done.

The last 2 weeks later on once you start programming you also do a demo of we know what works so far then everybody the team should be ready to do an individual report on what they did so you know this is what I wrote the code I rode and answer questions about it except from.

And then finally will just.

Deal with anything else that you know any question the decisions are issued any my input any problems with the client and you know I need and.

I mean to get in.

And you prod the client or ask him about what he has and gone back to you except.

So that's it I mean pre stamped straightforward but I but this will be a part of.

Our process.

The I will have a scheduling form that will appear on the website at some point and we will use that to schedule our bi weekly meetings.

So we will be using get hub for all development and and before.

Give hub has.

Is issues right so when you go to get help you'll notice they have these issues is everything that 2 dues.

And the the issues bothers you there's milestones so the milestones but I already have a bunch of milestones for this class and we'll talk with those in a second so you will be adding does to your good health issues.

Which within each issue and get help you can have a conversation so that's a way of discussing you know whether we should do this and how is this going except try I guess there's other ways to do this also within get help there's a wiki of you're gonna use that week you for everything else that is not code so everything else that you turn in for this class will be turned in in this we keep.

It is very important so your personal log is going to be there in the wiki all your other milestones are gonna be there in the wiki and you know try to organize it hopefully nicely so that it's easy to find.

As a little gonna be there and because they are they are we will know when they were added and who did it eccentric and this also gonna be a page in the wiki that I will add a call down meeting notes where I will add my notes.

And you should check those out every now and then.

To see what you.

I'm saying so typically I will write this after our meeting.

I reflect what I expected to do you know any issues I've seen in the team so I will probably tell you this thing anyway face to face but you know in case you missed it though you didn't think it was important at the time if I write it down.

Was so so take about.

The and the of Cooper's I get home and get a part of it and now I want to stress that the big to get luck is your proof of work so once you start coding will definitely be looking at.

Do your log file.

The commit log and see what code you have contributed so.

Until the main point is that everything is in get out right to everything that has to do with your grade will be and they get help either in the wiki or get itself all and issues except for a.

So they'll make it simple nothing you know I wanna keep it simple as possible so.

Especially for us here that we have to degrading so.

Everything is there.


Get it get up is great for all those documents but it doesn't really do communication.

So we're gonna be Losin slack for communication us the you can click over here goes I created this little.

Group at slack.

Yes the capstone group and slack is if you haven't heard of it it's just Chad this instant messaging for work so they they have.

Always there whether they have a desktop app to windows Lennox mag they have mobile apps for android iOS you should download.

All the one that you need and then you can just chat right they have also slack has multiple channels you can set up we have a general channel.

So that they start with the hash symbol so.

Hi general is a general channel for class questions anything that gets posted on the website also should appear.

Automatically in the general channel so you can monitor that for any new news items on the website.

That's the main one I'm I'm gonna check and sometimes.

For the first time amusing as a I'm not exactly sure how this is going to work out was saying.

And we also created some platform channels so android iOS and what about the ones they have there may be will add more and the idea is that you know all the groups are they building an android up will go to subscribe to the android channel.

And then that way you can talk to other people working on android they're not necessarily in your project and ask any questions and resolve issues is something that has not happened in the past I've always won groups to work together you know among different groups.

But it's it's kind of hard and so maybe this will help.

We'll see and then I think most importantly ones you create your group right and so you create a group you have your first meeting at your first meeting you decide on a group name you create a give hub group with that name.

I think actually you'll you'll have to email me and I am not created disco the permissions.

But then once you have the name you chose to create a channel in flag with your ghetto group name and that's their channel use for your communications so I can you don't have to do this and this is.

Now this is going to be great and I'm just this is just to help you.

So maybe to the side over gonna use Facebook chat or.

You know chat or something else that's fine with me.

But I will be taking only slack though so.

Yet the child can be either public or private so if you want to make your.

Team channel private that means only you with the people on your team can I see it Neil that's fine with me I'm not really interested in seeing it anyway affect I'm not going to but of course it means that you know if you do want me to go and I can't I don't have any special powers to the way they set up to make a private I can't see it.

It's like has this you know the at you can do either direct messaging so if you want actually with **** within slack if you want to talk privately with somebody you can do a direct message to that person and then only the 2 of you can see it so you can private no direct message me although if you're in a public board and you just at close them down for this is my username.

Then I will get a notification that you know I was mentioned on that so if you want me to see if you are in the middle of this question that you want me to see maybe because you have a question or something.

Just put that in there.

And that I should get the notification so we'll see how this works I hope it works out it is like is very popular with a lot of start up than companies so.

The public opposes though if you go to those who are.

Well hopefully soon I will have the project proposals listed there so these are all the all the client project proposals we should hope we have more proposal that.

And you know projects.

Also read through all of them.

Also I agree the Flecktones propose projects where we you can go and discuss the proposed projects you have any questions that maybe I can answer or other people answer.

So read over them.

Try to figure out which ones you want eventually you know I'm going to put up a a preference form on our website where you're gonna have to list this is my most brave.

Prefer project my second most third fourth Friday and I'm going to take all those preferences are running through my own go to them and try to assign the groups as best as possible.

Is an empty heart problem by the way so we might not be we in what will definitely almost certainly won't be able to get everybody but last time I got everybody's first or second choice.

Except one guy that got his fourth choice important.

And so in reading the that worked in reading the project proposals don't be scared of the language like that some of these are from faculty and.

Michael engineering or electrical engineering and of course they use language from there feeling the need stuff done that deals with chemistry or electricity or whatever and.

And I don't know what those words mean.

But out but don't be scared of that.

You know that that's part of the classes that you have to learn a little bit but mostly you know they'll be at the they are not expecting you to become a chemist or an electrical engineer obviously.


These projects they're gonna basically in the end just give you an equation a mathematical formula and you're gonna have to apply the 4 minutes a bunch of data.

So even though it always sounds complicated you know because well it sounds alien because you don't know what those words mean it's always boils down to is a formula knew someday I play the form that the data and then maybe draw some pretty bar charts are line charge or whatever.

So you just have to don't so don't be scared of it is role within and and all but do learn some of it because that way you can now.

Talk about it to them and that you know if you're thinking of doing.

Scientific programming on going in that area will really help.

To learn a little bit about that particular area.

I also have a.

To mention started projects so those are not listed on the project proposals yet.

Well in an activity won't so.

These are all clients from outside but another option is if you have an idea you know I want to be my own client owned with start up.

That's fine.

You can do that and if it is approved by me so what you have to do in that case is first come up with the idea then ride up in the little one paragraph just like all these other project proposal and email it to me send it to me and have me approve it.


By August 24 and also more importantly you must find.

Some other students to join you so as Tara projects are different these ones I I'm gonna sign start a project you.

Who you assigned yourself basically you formed a group you find it has to be 4 or 5 students in the class obviously that's the only requirement.

But if you can find 4 or 5 people including yourself that want to work on your project and I approve the project.

That's it.

So and I do that last year we had just one project that chose to do this.

Hopefully hopefully we'll have a couple more this year.

So it's a good way to do your own thing.

I like to think so.

This is a link to the website where you can see.

The of the legal issues the that the client sees a basically by the fold if it on this.

The project description says otherwise the client and are going to assume that you own everything right so this is sort of following the university's intellectual property property guidelines so anything that you do and you know programming lies all the code belongs to you and you can do whatever you want now.

The client records are expecting you know and the reason they're doing this is they're hoping that they can use this code that you wrote in the end so wide I highly recommend is that you.

As a team you release your code maybe at the end many are there.

Open source license.

So you can go over here to the lies and.com and P..

Pick an open source license I recommend in my tea open source license what that's gonna mean is that you are you still gonna get credit right so if you put it on there say the MIT license you get credit they have to put your name.

Next to the sewers rights and they have to tell people this source belong.

Things to these people with written by these people but day can continue developing it right.

In fact anybody can continue developing it.

And you're also protected in case you know something goes wrong they can go back and say you know sue you which theoretically it could happen even though you you gave you giving away for free.

So that will help us and I think if you choose I'm I'm recommending that people choose an open source license.

You can then make your get hungry pope public.

Anybody can see it in and that way you know I hope to get a job you can show people this is stuff that I did and and here's the code check out all my awesome work.

So in that will help me because then you know if people make their repose public and hoping to get clients next year.

But you don't have to.

Milestones so basically the classes the grades based on these milestones that already set up for you these are you know basically homework.


Well let's check him out.

I'm gonna go.

He goes over to the class website Agatha deathly lectures.

And there's also the.

So the milestone fear.

And that person when if you look at the syllabus.

Is this the 490 syllabus is called on here you see the grade for the class the grade is broken down.

And by milestones so you know it's mouth and contribute some to your final grade.

The most important thing here is this last one personal contribution is up to 100 percent so most of the grains of.

Are sort of for the project for the team right.

And I year team might be doing awesome I think possible that your team is doing a great job except you're not going to be needing at all in that case you you know you can still get a final grade of elf while your team gets an a so a lot of these could be a but you will still fail the class.

You did not contribute obviously.

So your personal contribution to the project is going to be determined by certain things but there's gonna be a peer evaluation done at the end of the semester diss the North Sea crude evaluation of the only I can see where everybody in the team tells me what everybody else did I'm also going to look at your personal log we'll talk about that in the second and of course your good luck and get hub wiki log 6 at trump and.

And your participation or attendance and the team meeting.

Go to meetings themselves and with myself our meetings.

So that we use all of those things to determine your personal contribution which I will determine in the end.

Okay so very important I will repeat again it is possible for your team to get an a and for you to fail the class if you don't contribute to the team.

Let's look at the milestones so these are all the milestones now for 490 we're gonna basically do from.

And to 11.

So the rest are 4492.

Without with forming teams are gonna form teams is that this is a simple one just about.

Getting a good hub repo you know determining what the name of your group is then who's going to be a captain that kind of stuff.

The personal log it is is a weekly thing so every week you're gonna have to once you create a ghetto people you create a wiki page that is you know your name personal log.

And you're gonna every week you're gonna update that I hit a little example you can follow so you gonna say just what I did last that week and is going to help us figure out what you're doing nothing to help your team is also figure out what you're doing maybe own but yeah it's a great way to keep us comic and doesn't have to be anything fancy like I say is just you know that is the dad thinkcentral.

Research I put this as a separate milestone even though.

There's no specific deliverables like them you know.

This is just I expect you to learn about the platform right.

So if you're gonna be doing I was developed when you.

Need to learn.

What about I always development before you start programming so during the first 2 months of the semester a month and have you need to be learning about your platform lost some time some students just don't do this and that December also around and they're like all I have to start learning I was doesn't work that way so the way this project is set up on the first half of the semester.

We don't have you know all the way up to here is the the milestones are not about getting your app don know our programming for your app.

Still however this one is but this one says you should be learning and building a sample apps right so if you are the android developer and you know you're gonna be building an android up during the first half of the semester you gonna be learning all about android and how did you said and building like a little sample android apps name so that the second when you get to thinking how was the master where you're all working together on the up you know what you're doing at least you know to some degree you obviously you won't be an expert and whatever platform you choose is not enough time but you will be a newbie anymore.

Research is very very important.

The descriptions of this is after you meet with your client for the first time you will come up with this project description.

And some personas right through here are the deliverables for this milestone you know if every milestone must must've have deliverables this is the actual thing that I'm going to be looking for you to turn in.

So this is just a one paragraph description of your project and.

And 3 personas and I can look at that lecture to see what a persona is and what it entails.

Named after that we'll have the rough design.

Means so I'm asking for.

Or 3 sketches the these are just basically 3 sketches of.

The ways in which we're going to possible designs for the up is mostly good design although it might be a little bit different depending on your app maybe rather than have a go yes I.

But the basic idea is if you hadn't have has a good we will draw use pencil and paper to draw those are 3 different ways to do that solve this problem or build is apt.

Just you know.

Quick rough right the idea is to try like.

3 very different things so you should read the and knew that then you gonna pick one of those ang that's the wine or maybe.

Somewhere between you know marriage 2 of them and then do add more detail design you're gonna use about some of these wire framing tools there's bells make mock mock flow are 2 example ones that these basically I like little drawing programs you can draw a goofy and so you can drag and drop buttons and stuff.

They don't obviously look exactly the thing that look you know like.

Wire frames like blueprints.

And that's part of the point they're not supposed to look like a finally find what you're working on and again you should watch the lecture this whole lecture in the.


Have both are you working on is just below the basic layout of the various screens.

And the flow between screens and you are out and how the user is going to do things.

But also a little bit you known in.

Look I'd like save you don't often have you got to make sure that you you have enough buttons on the buttons are not too small so that they can't be present at Texas the right size so it can be read.


Then there's another we can document which is the functional requirements in this is just a we can document saying specifically these are all the things that my apt needs to do.

So I can read this you have to do this these are the due date so here are for example in this one there's an initial do they and then a final due date all that means is that I will be expecting something by the initial due date and typically this will be receive a grade.

But that's not your final grade for that milestone so say you get a and F. here October 13 or you know fifteenth when that we get around to grading it.

We'll we'll give you some feedback with a you know this is not enough you need to do is blah blah blah blah.

Then you can go back and re work does.

Just so that you can get a name.

And you know do it right so final due date is that at the end of semester also some of these might involve because of client client changes their mind right.

Then similarly it on demand architecture this is the architect you know this software architecture.

Where are you gonna do you know some general diagram about how the software is going to be set up for most apps this is you know your model view controller is are you gonna tell me what your model is what your views are.

If you have a database you my ride in your.

Database schema.

So we'll talk about this in our meetings then so is controlled by.


November 3 to do these days my changes from last year bug you know today by a couple days.

Do I want everybody by this date to.

Who have a get help people have their get.

Repo up in there you get hub right and one and basically everybody to be ready to start coding so.

So you'll have a project that billed as in it and some get it and everybody is able to pull that project make some changes do a little commit push that,nd up to get hub and have somebody else in the project pull it and do the same thing so everybody can pull push and and also build in their lapped up someone ask every team member to show me how they build the up in the laptop and run it locally so this is to make sure that you know by this date everybody is up on get and get hub and can build and run the code right so what you should have no excuse not to start programming after this.

Then the the main thing deliverable here is your mouth on 10 which is your working prototype this is due at the end of the semester right you'll start I guess that somewhere around the middle of the semester you start working on that and you'll turn it in at the end of the semester.

I'm calling it a working prototype so the idea is that this should be something that.

Implement uses all the libraries that are needed for this project rice with a vertical prototype if you lose your library needs a 3 D. image up need to 3 D. library added database then you're working prototype needs to use the 3 D. library and a database Ryan.

And it has to be if it can just be just hello well.

All the night has to be income and the core functionality of your program right so for example if you're building Super Mario brothers as your project you should at least have a little guy who can jump around so that way you know that your keyboard works and he responds to the keyboard on your graphic elaborate works and also there's gonna be music so they should also make a noise when you jump for example and you so you have at least the one mechanic which is the jumping.

It should be you know the core of the nothing Super Mario is the guy jumping in and also leaves one and non player character you know when goodbye.

Because that a little bit different so.

They did that after you have this working prototype the rest of the project is just sort of more of the same right.

Just one bad guys more levels of the no more mechanics etcetera still a lot of work to be done but you know you know I can be done it's just a matter of time.

Well for web applications I'm gonna and also insist that they are be deployed so it's not gonna be enough to run it on your left up by the end of semester you also need to show that you are the point is it's working on the web somewhere out there in.

In you know whatever deployment machine you choose somebody has to be working out there and you should have some.

You know make deployment easy right so you have some deployment methodology.

Some easy way to deploy preferably by just typing a,nd or click or something.

So that's the main thing that is due for this class is working prototype and then gonna.

Everybody needs to where everybody in the team needs to contribute to this working prototype on the thumb and then so that working abroad that is gonna be demo to.

Some day and location to be determined but you know usually.

Eating day or.

Or maybe doing the final are scheduled final time.

We're going to get together and everybody is going to do a little demo little presentation and I.

A quick demo of their prototype.

So that's it for.


Our milestones.


Yeah that's it.

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